Hola Familia,
Another week down. Not many more left in the countdown haha. The time has flown by, it has all seemed like a dream lately. I am hoping to make the best of my last few days, we are gonna keep workin hard and hopefully have some more baptisms.
The work continues here, yesterday we baptized a 9 year old boy whose mom has been less active for the past couple years. She recently moved her to our area and right when she was unloading all of her boxes and stuff we seen her and asked if we could help. She said yes and told us that she was a member. We have been working with her the past couple weeks and she has came back to church and liking the ward. Then the big bonus came when she told us that Miguel was 9 years old and not baptized. haha
Right now we are working with an older couple Enrique and Yolanda. They both are about 75 years old and they are great. They have been to church twice now and really like it. We are hoping to baptize them this Thursday but if it doesn't work out that's fine too.
The Lord has really blessed my companion and I these past weeks. We have seen so many miracles. I am so happy to be ending my mission here in the area where I am. I have had so many amazing experiences as of late. I hope to keep seeing similar miracles back home with all of you guys. The Lord blesses those who put their trust in Him.
Well I am excited, nervous, happy, and a little bit scared to get back and see everyone again. I hope you guys haven't changed too much haha. I will see you all Saturday, thank you so much for all the support these past two years, I will never be able to make it up to all of you. Love ya, see ya soon!!
Elder Chambers
Investigator from Haiti
Monday, July 16, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Hola Familia,
How has everybody been this week back home? I hope that all is going well. Everything sounds great. Things here in Mexico are going good as well. We haven't had as much rain lately, that has been nice. Elder Castro already went home about a month ago he had to go early to take some test for school or something. But ya Elder Anderson will be ending with me, along with 6 other Elders.
The work is going good. Every week the Lord blesses us so much. This week we baptized Elena. She is about 50 years old. She has been looking for work and she still hasn't found. We found her three weeks ago knocking doors in our area. She was pretty doubtful at first but the ward really helped us with her and she decided to get baptized.
We found a lot of investigators this week, we ended up with 10 in church. It is sometimes sad to know that I won't be here for the baptisms of all of them but it's cool. The Bishop told me on Sunday that Eric should be getting a calling this next week. I am excited for him he has been super solid since day 1.
I seen a member from the ward Azteca yesterday, he told me that the Family Rodriguez is going good in the ward. That they are preparing to enter the Temple, I'm excited for them, even though I probably won't be here for it.
This week I think my companion and I ate something bad. We got really really sick. I was bad all Thursday and then when it was time to go to bed it got worse. I had a fever of 103 degrees. I thought that I was gonna die, but my companion took good care of me. Then later that night he got a fever as well. But all is well now. No need to worry haha.
Anyways, I love you guys, thanks for all your support and prayers! Have an amazing week. Talk to you all on Monday.
Elder Chambers
How has everybody been this week back home? I hope that all is going well. Everything sounds great. Things here in Mexico are going good as well. We haven't had as much rain lately, that has been nice. Elder Castro already went home about a month ago he had to go early to take some test for school or something. But ya Elder Anderson will be ending with me, along with 6 other Elders.
The work is going good. Every week the Lord blesses us so much. This week we baptized Elena. She is about 50 years old. She has been looking for work and she still hasn't found. We found her three weeks ago knocking doors in our area. She was pretty doubtful at first but the ward really helped us with her and she decided to get baptized.
We found a lot of investigators this week, we ended up with 10 in church. It is sometimes sad to know that I won't be here for the baptisms of all of them but it's cool. The Bishop told me on Sunday that Eric should be getting a calling this next week. I am excited for him he has been super solid since day 1.
I seen a member from the ward Azteca yesterday, he told me that the Family Rodriguez is going good in the ward. That they are preparing to enter the Temple, I'm excited for them, even though I probably won't be here for it.
This week I think my companion and I ate something bad. We got really really sick. I was bad all Thursday and then when it was time to go to bed it got worse. I had a fever of 103 degrees. I thought that I was gonna die, but my companion took good care of me. Then later that night he got a fever as well. But all is well now. No need to worry haha.
Anyways, I love you guys, thanks for all your support and prayers! Have an amazing week. Talk to you all on Monday.
Elder Chambers
Monday, July 2, 2012
Hola Familia,
Another week gone haha. The time is going fast, I will only be writing twice more after this. Elder Myers and I finished up the zone conferences this past week and we also had to train in the zone leaders counsel meeting. I'm pretty sure that that was my last training because in the month of July we are going to be having interviews.
The work is going well. This week Christian got baptized, he is the husband of Leti, we baptized here my first few weeks here in this area. Christian has always worked on Sunday so he couldn't go but his shift got changed and now he can go, he has been 3 times to church now and Saturday was his baptism. We also baptized Rosa, she is 22 years old and we found here contacting. She is kind of crazy but she is cool. Then on Sunday we had the confirmations of them and the three from last week. The ward was impressed to see all the confirmations.
Jonathan got up to bare his testimony and he blew everybody away. He is such a solid convert! He said that he had been looking for the truth he just didn't know where to find it. Adelina the single Mom that we baptized Elder Jordan's last week also got up to share her testimony, it was awesome, the Spirit was so strong. I think the ward got excited and everybody started going up to share their conversion stories. Most people are converts down here. And the Sacrament meeting took two hours!!! ya it was apostasy but it was a good meeting after all was said and done.
That is crazy about all of the fires back home! I hope Cache Valley doesn't get any! Hopefully everybody can make it through the fourth of July fine. Elder Myers and I bought stuff to make hamburgers that night. I hope everybody has a great time at the fireworks.
Anyways, I gotta go thanks for all that you guys do. You're the best. Have a great week!
Elder Chambers
Monday, June 25, 2012
Hey Family!
Well another week done and gone!! The time goes faster and faster. We will be finishing up with the Zone Conferences this week. That will be a relief, we haven't had much time in our area lately. I hope that all is well back home. Everything sounds great, seems like it is getting pretty hot, poor Tracy, that has got to be hot down there on the turf.
Anyways, going back to Tulancingo was good! It was probably the last time that I will work there. I didn't get to see any converts we were too busy. I thought alot about Elder Falslev when I was there and all the good times that we had. That is great that Cody got home, does he look any different or the same?
The work is going great. This week we baptized Jonathan. He was super ready, he preaches the Gospel to all his buddies but they don't live in our area. haha We also baptized Keegan! He is Carl's buddy from Haiti. He is just shorter!! It was so legit, an hermano in the ward here baptized him. Also we baptized Teresa's daughter, Minerva. She is also great! It was a great baptismal service, it is always better when we can baptize future priesthood holders. This next week we are hoping to have a few more baptisms, we have a lot in teaching.
Everything is great here. I know that this is the work of the Lord. Who the Lord calls the Lord qualifies. I have felt the blessings of heaven pour upon me while I have been here in my mission. The Lord calls no one to fail and I know he is with us in this great battle against the adversary! We know we will never lose if we follow His counsel. I love you guys! Have a great week!
Elder Chambers
Well another week done and gone!! The time goes faster and faster. We will be finishing up with the Zone Conferences this week. That will be a relief, we haven't had much time in our area lately. I hope that all is well back home. Everything sounds great, seems like it is getting pretty hot, poor Tracy, that has got to be hot down there on the turf.
Anyways, going back to Tulancingo was good! It was probably the last time that I will work there. I didn't get to see any converts we were too busy. I thought alot about Elder Falslev when I was there and all the good times that we had. That is great that Cody got home, does he look any different or the same?
The work is going great. This week we baptized Jonathan. He was super ready, he preaches the Gospel to all his buddies but they don't live in our area. haha We also baptized Keegan! He is Carl's buddy from Haiti. He is just shorter!! It was so legit, an hermano in the ward here baptized him. Also we baptized Teresa's daughter, Minerva. She is also great! It was a great baptismal service, it is always better when we can baptize future priesthood holders. This next week we are hoping to have a few more baptisms, we have a lot in teaching.
Everything is great here. I know that this is the work of the Lord. Who the Lord calls the Lord qualifies. I have felt the blessings of heaven pour upon me while I have been here in my mission. The Lord calls no one to fail and I know he is with us in this great battle against the adversary! We know we will never lose if we follow His counsel. I love you guys! Have a great week!
Elder Chambers
Monday, June 18, 2012
Hola Familia,
Hey everybody how have things been this week. Have you guys seen Kayd any more? How's he doin? That is crazy that Cody gets home this week! After him I will be the next. President is keeping us busy though, there isn't much time to think about going home. This month we are into the zone conferences, so we go to all of them and have to train the missionaries. This week I will be headed back out to Tulancingo.
Elder Myers bought some weights so we have been doin some pretty good exercise lately. I don't wanna get home fat! haha speakin of fat, how is Odis the Blob? Whitney sent me some pictures and he looks grayer ever time I see him. I'm sure once he dies Mom will be wantin to get another Pug! How have the Pheasants been doing that you guys got? I hope good. Duke is gonna love huntin again.
Here the rain has started again. It rained all day Friday Saturday and Sunday. But the work goes on. We have quite a few people in teaching right now. Hopefully they can all make it to the font!! Jonaton, our baptism for this next week is awesome. He says that he knows that the church is true and that it is where he knows he needs to be. I'm pretty sure he would have gotten baptized his first Sunday in Church but the rule is 3 Sundays. haha.
There isn't much new going on here. Everything is pretty much the same. That is great that all is ready for my return. We will probably have to go clothes shoppin. Oh and don't forget to remind Lacey who's laptop she's been using for the past two years haha. That is awesome that she got a bike!! Who is on the Honda next to her? Sounds like summer is a blast back home!! Have a great week, love you guys!
Elder Chambers
Hey everybody how have things been this week. Have you guys seen Kayd any more? How's he doin? That is crazy that Cody gets home this week! After him I will be the next. President is keeping us busy though, there isn't much time to think about going home. This month we are into the zone conferences, so we go to all of them and have to train the missionaries. This week I will be headed back out to Tulancingo.
Elder Myers bought some weights so we have been doin some pretty good exercise lately. I don't wanna get home fat! haha speakin of fat, how is Odis the Blob? Whitney sent me some pictures and he looks grayer ever time I see him. I'm sure once he dies Mom will be wantin to get another Pug! How have the Pheasants been doing that you guys got? I hope good. Duke is gonna love huntin again.
Here the rain has started again. It rained all day Friday Saturday and Sunday. But the work goes on. We have quite a few people in teaching right now. Hopefully they can all make it to the font!! Jonaton, our baptism for this next week is awesome. He says that he knows that the church is true and that it is where he knows he needs to be. I'm pretty sure he would have gotten baptized his first Sunday in Church but the rule is 3 Sundays. haha.
There isn't much new going on here. Everything is pretty much the same. That is great that all is ready for my return. We will probably have to go clothes shoppin. Oh and don't forget to remind Lacey who's laptop she's been using for the past two years haha. That is awesome that she got a bike!! Who is on the Honda next to her? Sounds like summer is a blast back home!! Have a great week, love you guys!
Elder Chambers
Monday, June 11, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Well another week is over with. Everything is going good here, I hope that all is well back home. Sara got baptized yesterday, the baptismal service went great, Eric baptized her. I will be sending the picture. Not much else to say!! Have a great week everybody! oh ya the hermana Angeles went through the Temple this week, it was awesome. Love ya
Elder Chambers
Monday, May 21, 2012
Hola Familia,
Well the work continues forward! Time is flying by, the days are fast and the nights are even faster! It feels like I don't get much sleep haha. How is the family this week? Things here in Mexico are going great. The Volcano continues to spit out smoke, every once in a while, when the smog goes away you can see it from our area. Nobody really thinks that it will do anything though.
The Trainings that we are giving are going really good. We have done 6 in these last two weeks and we will finish up the last 3 this week. My companion and I are doing the training on how to work efficiently and use our time wisely. So far it has went really really well, President has been pleased.
So this Sunday we had the baptisms of Monica and Joselin. I will be sending you guys the picture, I baptized them. They are really cool converts. The Aunt Monica, told us that when we stopped them in the street to talk to them that she knew it was a sign from God and that she needed to listen to us. She had to stop smoking, but she dropped it easily. They were really ready for their baptisms.
This Sunday, Carl, Enrique, and Eric all of my converts here got the Priesthood. Eric and Enrique blessed the Sacrament together. Eric is super excited to be in the Church. He went to some multi stake dance the other day and really liked it. Right now we are teaching a few different people. Sara, is who we are focusing on most. She has been to Church twice and has really liked it. We are pushing to have her baptism this coming Sunday, she is a little bit scared, but I know that she has felt the Spirit and will be able to make the right decision. She has a 21 year old daughter who gives her a lot of trouble, she is looking for a change in her life. The Gospel will help her alot.
Things are going great here in the mission. I hope that all is well back home as well. By small and simple things are great things brought to pass! I love you guys!! Have a great week!
Elder Chambers
Monday, May 14, 2012
Hola Familia,
Well it was great talking to everybody. Everyone looks good, even
Otis is looking better haha. So there are just a few things that I
forgot to ask you guys yesterday. If my talk is going to be on the
22nd what would the topic be? Also I took out quite a bit of money
today to make some purchases. Hopefully I didn't go over, haha I
don't think I did. But I got me a suit, it is legit!!! It was from
Men's Warehouse and it cost 50 dollars haha. It was a steal!
And Mom about the shirts. I think that I will only need two white
shirts. I am the same size so you could just get the same ones, but I
have really come to love the enro brand. I remember them telling me
also that there is a regular and a slim fit one. I would like one
regular and one slim fit. The garments are also the same, but I want
the dry lux ones. They are the best. And also I like all of the tops
to have the big dip, or the eternal smile as the neck line. haha I am
also the same size on pants. I will probably need just one pair of
nice black pants. I will be set on Suits and Ties.
Things here are still going great. The Lord continually blesses us
and my testimony grows every day. It will be a sad day when it is
time to take off the black nametag! Well I love you guys here are
some pics of the baptism. Have a great week!
Elder Chambers
Monday, May 7, 2012
Hola Familia,
Hey everybody, how is everything back in Benson!? Spring is rolling along, it sure does feel like summer here! It has been really really hot during the day, but then in the nights at about 8 it starts to rain. I don't know why the weather can't make up it's mind.
I can't believe that it is already going to be Mother's Day again! It seems like just two weeks ago Elder Falslev and I were hooking up the skype thing. So I have looked around for a skype here and I've found one in a little internet cafe in the street. I will try it out. I will be on at 6:00p.m. Sunday my time. I don't know what it would be you're time. I have 45 minutes just like all the other times. But anyways I think that the internet will work.
The work is going well! Eric got baptized yesterday! He was super ready, we had an hermano in the ward baptize him. He was really happy to be baptized. We are teaching quite a few right now as well. This week we aren't too sure if we will be baptizing, there is a chance. But in two weeks we have two really solid hermanas to baptize. Named Monica and Joselin. They couldn't make it to church, but we went to visit them after and they didn't go because they were sick. But they are still excited for their baptisms.
I can't believe that school is already going to be out!! That will be a nice break for everybody. My companion and I have started a pretty cool game lately. Every once in a while we get cockroaches in our house. We will just get home and they will just be sitting there on the floor waitin for us. Hahaha so we have got some pogs, the little circle things that kids throw around, and we take turns throwing them at the cockroach until we hit him and he dies hahahaha. We are tied right now with 4 kills each. haha It is prettty funny.
Today we went and played basketball, Elder Falslev was able to come over. It was nice seeing him again. Then he told me he only has 4 Sundays left!! Can you believe it? I couldn't!
Anyways here are some pics some of the baptism and some of Flat Stanley, I hope the flat stanley ones are good enough. One is of him makin dinner and the other is in front of a Micro here, that is the main transport for everybody! Gotta go Love you guys!
Elder Chambers
Monday, April 30, 2012
Hola Familia,
Hey Everybody!! Well another week gone! Everything has been great here, we have had a lot of work this past week and a lot more in this week coming. Sounds like everything home is going well! I can't believe that everybody has already planted their gardens, that is crazy. It is starting to get hot here as well, this whole week past has been a scorcher, but may is the hot month, it should be hot until june or july.
Well just so that everybody knows I will be with Elder Jordan another cycle. But I'm happy that we didn't have changes, we get along really well. He will be my first companion that I kill (be his last companion). Elder Falslev has changes, I'm sure that he is really happy, I don't think he liked his last companion too much.
These up coming weeks, we are going to have to do a lot of trainings. I don't know how we are going to get it all done, but, one week at a time! The work is going well. Eric, the miracle guy is super ready for his baptism. He already knows more than half the members. He is really smart, I don't think I've ever had a convert so ready for baptism its great. Hopefully in a year he will decide to go on a mission. We also found a Lady this week named Monica, she is awesome! Her husband died about 2 years ago and we taught her a little of the plan of salvation and baptism. She was brought to tears and has accepted everything since. She also has an 18 year old niece that we are teaching with her. She is 7 months pregnant, and her boyfriend dumped her, so I think the Gospel will help her alot in her life. They both are progressing for the 13th of May for their baptisms.
This week contacting in the streets we found a Chinese lady hahahaha. I was laughing so hard. She was talking Spanish but she still had her Chinese accent. Then we told her that we wanted to talk about God, and she said "God? No, no i be de Buddha!" hahahaha it was all in her little accent it was so funny!
Today, new missionaries got here from the MTC. There were only three and they are all from Mexico. We spent most of the day with them at Presidents house training them. We didn't have much of a P-Day today, but we did get really good food from Sister Hicken. She is a pretty good cook!
Well I gotta go, hope all is well back home! Love you guys, have a great week!
Elder Chambers
Monday, April 23, 2012
Hola Familia,
Hey Everybody!! That is pretty neat that there was a baptism back home. It has been awhile since the last! The pictures look good. Did Kevin get to baptize her? Did he do it in Spanish or English?
Well I finally got the package that you sent with all of the letters. Thanks for that it is always nice to get real hand written ones. I don't know why it took so long. But it got here after all.
The work is going good. We didn't baptize this past Sunday, it was a real bummer. But Elder Jordan and I have a really really big teaching pool. We are hoping to have some real success here shortly. This past week we had a miracle that just went to the church on Wednesday. Luckily there were some sisters there and they talked to him. He said that he has known a lot of members in his life and there were a lot where he went to school. His name is Eric, and is about 23 years old. We have him set up for the 6th of May for his baptism. We are also working with a few families.
The families in Azteca are going good. I talked to the missionary that is working over there today and he said that the Rodriguez Family has already finished their interviews to go to the temple and that the Hermana Angeles has as well. Hopefully soon they will be going in.
I bet that I can use skype here if you guys really want me too. I will look around for a member that has a computer with skype. It seems like the time from Christmas till now has really flown by! I also got the pictures that you all sent me. Odis is looking old old old! I dunno that he's gonna make it!
Well everything here is going great! I hope that everyone has a great week!!! I gotta run! Love you guys!
Elder Chambers
Monday, April 16, 2012
Hola Familia,
Hey everybody!! Well everything has been pretty good down here in Mexico. It is startin to get hot here, it will be hot until July, then we will start gettin rain again! How is the weather back home? I haven't heard much from the families in Azteca. I had heard that starting May the Rodriguez Family was going to enter the Temple, but nothing is confirmed yet. President doesn't want us calling our converts or anything like that so I haven't had much communication with them.
Things here in the work are going great. We had 13 investigators in Church, that was nice. We had two whole families and some others. We also had the baptism of Monica. She is the wife of a recent convert, we really struggled to get her in the water but she finally made the right decision. We are working with another guy named Isac, he almost got baptized yesterday but backed out, we will be working with him this week to get him excited.
This past week I had the chance to work with my old companions. We went on divisions first in Tulancingo and I went a day with Elder Cataldo again. He is doing good, I also got to see Rocio again! She is going really really strong, probably one of my best converts. She already has a calling as a teacher of Sunday School or something like that. Then Wednesday I got to go again with the one and only Elder Castro again!! It was pretty fun. We came back to my area and we found a family of 4 that all went to church. Then on Thursday I went out to Pachuca and went with Elder Falslev again!! It was awesome, we get along pretty well!
Ya me and Elder Anderson took a picture on some broom things they have here during a service project. That is crazy that President Toombs knows them! Anyways, Lacey's dress looked pretty good. Sounds like she had a good time. Her room looks really really good! I bet that took a long time to fix up! The whole house is gonna look new by the time I get home!
Today I bought me a little desk cactus for 10 pesos. It is pretty legit, I am sending a pic! I still haven't got the package with all the letters, maybe it got lost! Oh well! Well there is much new happening here. Elder Jordan and I are getting along great! The work is going good! I love you guys! Have a great week!
Elder Chambers
Oh ya the pic with the pancakes is us raiding Presidents pantry after he had went to bed! and the other is a pic that a little girl drew of me and my comp, and we all have mustaches, even the sun! hahaha
Monday, April 9, 2012
Hola Familia,
Well I can't believe how fast this past week has went! The time is really flying by! Everything back home sounds great, I'm glad you guys are getting some warmer weather. It has been a pretty hot week here as well, April and May are the hot months of the year here in the City.
Here the whole week has been the Holy Week for the Catholics. They supposedly celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ all week and they go to their Church. Lots of the Catholics don't go to church except on this week. I didn't really see much of a change, All of the kids were out of school and the parents were off work. And instead of making it a holy week, most of them used it as an excuse to get drunk with their buddies. We seen so many drunk people in the streets!! I'm sick of drunk peeps!!
The work is going good! This past Friday we had a baptismal service for three ladies that we have been teaching. They all live a part, their names are Ana, Esmeralda, and Leticia. They are all really good converts, and were all really ready for their baptisms. This week we are going to be working with another lady, who told us that this Saturday she wants to be baptized and another guy that we found named Isac. He is really interested, he just works a lot so it is hard to teach him, but he should be ready to be baptized this coming Sunday as well.
Today I made the cookies that you had sent me in the package. The vanilla had exploded and spilled all over so I just did them without vanilla. They taste pretty good anyways though. Elder Jordan was pretty happy to have some chocolate chip cookies! I still haven't gotten the other package, hopefully soon it will get here.
The Gospel is true! I gotta run but I love you guys!! Thanks for all the emails!
Elder Chambers
Monday, April 2, 2012
Hola Familia!
Well another week another dollar!! Haha jk Sounds like everything back home is going good! That's great that Grandpa Spackman is back up and goin!! And that everything is good with the new baby! I got the pics, she looks pretty little! Tell Steph and Wade congrats for me.
Supposedly there was another earthquake today! My comp and I were headed to Walmart and we seen everyone outside waiting to go in, they told us that there had been an earthquake, but we didn't feel anything. It sounds like you guys have quite the projects going on with all the room changes. I'm sure that will be fun. haha.
We don't have anything to do with the Elders going home or visas or anything, there are secretaries for all that stuff. But I do know that Kayd hasn't signed his Visa so they will have to get on that before June!! But my Visa is all taken care of!
For my Birthday I bought me a watch. Hopefully it will last a while it is pretty nice. Conference was also really good. I especially liked Elder Hollands talk on Envy!!! And how we should not be jealous of other's blessings. It was amazing! Then at the end he was just like Don't Delay, time is almost up!!! I also liked Elder Utchdorf's talk on Judging people.
We are having a lot of success right now. We had 10 people to conference, and we also baptized a guy named Enrique. He is a super good guy. One of the most humble guys that I know!! We had an hermano baptize him, the service went really well! Enrique is the one on the left in the picture. And ya I know I look short compared to my companion haha. If things go as planned we should be back in the water this week and the next with a few baptisms.
This week my comp and I had to do a training for all the zone leaders and President. It went really really well. President was pleased with the training that we gave. We used to parable things from the book mom sent me. So hopefully it will keep being useful for us.
I still haven't gotten the package of the letters and stuff, so hopefully it will come soon. I am sending some pics of the baptism of Rocio and the prophet lady from Tulancingo, and also some cool members that were there. Anyways I gotta go, thanks for all the support. Love you guys!!
Elder Chambers
Monday, March 26, 2012
Hola Famila,
Well, another week gone! It has been quite the week indeed, probably one of the fastest in all of my mission. Things started out on Tuesday, and yes I was in the bathroom with Elder Falslev. When I got this wierd feeling of dizziness. I thought that I was about to faint or something, but I tried to play it off cool and just keep walking. But then when we got back into the hall everyone started saying earthquake earthquake, everybody out! So we went outside and all the trees were swaying every which way. Even the parked cars in the parking lot were rocking back and forth. It was the wierdest feeling ever, it feels like you are just dizzy and you feel like you are going to fall over. It all lasted for about a minute and a half.
Then we all got into the changes meeting. And to everybody's surprise they called me to be AP. I still don't believe it. I thought that being a zone leader was stressful. Now my comp and I have to help President plan everything for the mission, give capacitations every week. Receive reports from the zone leaders, and a lot more. And baptize every week still. And yes we still work in the field like normal missionaries. I am in an area called Campestre Aragon. It is here behind the Temple. We live in a big building on the corner of the street Camino Sur and Camino del Triunfo "A". It is a pretty nice house. The mission house is in Tecamachalco, it is about an hour away from here. Last Thursday we had to go and have a planning meeting with President. We ate a nice egg and bacon breakfast that Sister Hicken had cooked for us, then after she made us ribs and mashed potatos!! It was the best.
My companions name is Elder Jordan. He is from New Mexico. He reminds me of Ethan, haha super tall! He is 6 foot 3, so I look like a shrimp next to him. But we are getting along great and I am learning alot of things from him. Every day I learn more and more about what is an assistant. We are having alot of success here, Every day we find elect people who have been prepared to hear the Gospel. I can't wait to see what Elder Jordan and I can do here, the are is awesome!!
I love being back in the City and I'm pretty sure that I will finish my mission here in my area. My comp finishes his the same time as Elder Falslev, 6 weeks before me. Anyways, the city is still the crazy city and every day, we see people just doing crazy things! I love it! I'm sure that I will miss it all some day!
Today we went to a place called Tepito to buy an Elder a suit who didn't have one. The mission gave us money and we had to go buy it. Suposedly it is a really dangerous place were people always get robbed and mugged but nothing happened to us. All of the stuff there is really cheap because most of it is robbed or stolen. But it didn't seem too dangerous, we didn't see anything out of the ordinary.
Be sure to tell Grandpa Spackman and the new baby Happy Birthday for me. That's good that Steph could finally have the baby!! Anyways I gotta go, Sorry for no pictures still, I will try to remember my camera next week!! I love you guys! Thanks for all of the support!!
Elder Chambers
Well, another week gone! It has been quite the week indeed, probably one of the fastest in all of my mission. Things started out on Tuesday, and yes I was in the bathroom with Elder Falslev. When I got this wierd feeling of dizziness. I thought that I was about to faint or something, but I tried to play it off cool and just keep walking. But then when we got back into the hall everyone started saying earthquake earthquake, everybody out! So we went outside and all the trees were swaying every which way. Even the parked cars in the parking lot were rocking back and forth. It was the wierdest feeling ever, it feels like you are just dizzy and you feel like you are going to fall over. It all lasted for about a minute and a half.
Then we all got into the changes meeting. And to everybody's surprise they called me to be AP. I still don't believe it. I thought that being a zone leader was stressful. Now my comp and I have to help President plan everything for the mission, give capacitations every week. Receive reports from the zone leaders, and a lot more. And baptize every week still. And yes we still work in the field like normal missionaries. I am in an area called Campestre Aragon. It is here behind the Temple. We live in a big building on the corner of the street Camino Sur and Camino del Triunfo "A". It is a pretty nice house. The mission house is in Tecamachalco, it is about an hour away from here. Last Thursday we had to go and have a planning meeting with President. We ate a nice egg and bacon breakfast that Sister Hicken had cooked for us, then after she made us ribs and mashed potatos!! It was the best.
My companions name is Elder Jordan. He is from New Mexico. He reminds me of Ethan, haha super tall! He is 6 foot 3, so I look like a shrimp next to him. But we are getting along great and I am learning alot of things from him. Every day I learn more and more about what is an assistant. We are having alot of success here, Every day we find elect people who have been prepared to hear the Gospel. I can't wait to see what Elder Jordan and I can do here, the are is awesome!!
I love being back in the City and I'm pretty sure that I will finish my mission here in my area. My comp finishes his the same time as Elder Falslev, 6 weeks before me. Anyways, the city is still the crazy city and every day, we see people just doing crazy things! I love it! I'm sure that I will miss it all some day!
Today we went to a place called Tepito to buy an Elder a suit who didn't have one. The mission gave us money and we had to go buy it. Suposedly it is a really dangerous place were people always get robbed and mugged but nothing happened to us. All of the stuff there is really cheap because most of it is robbed or stolen. But it didn't seem too dangerous, we didn't see anything out of the ordinary.
Be sure to tell Grandpa Spackman and the new baby Happy Birthday for me. That's good that Steph could finally have the baby!! Anyways I gotta go, Sorry for no pictures still, I will try to remember my camera next week!! I love you guys! Thanks for all of the support!!
Elder Chambers
Monday, March 19, 2012
Hey Everybody!
Well another week is done with. Sounds like it has been quite the week back home. I hope that Grandpa Spackman can get better soon!!! Sounds like everybody else and their dog is sick as well!! What is going on back in Benson? Anyways, I do have the picture of Rocio's baptism I just keep forgeting my camera, so next week I will try to send it. This past Sunday we had Stake Conference so she wasn't able to be confirmed but this next Sunday for sure.
I wasn't able to see the videos, maybe next week if I go to a different place it will be able to work. Well it looks like I won't be here in Tulancingo anymore!! They called us in the morning to tell us that I have changes! I am really happy, I was wanting changes. So we'll see where I am headed now. Hopefully somewhere where there are a bunch of Tacos!! Here in Tulancingo there aren't many Tacos. Elder Garcia also has changes.
That's great that Tracy has a bunch of work. I miss working alot actually. Hopefully they will still have a bunch when I get home. Here in the mission they usually send people home on Saturdays. They haven't told me anything yet but I imagine that I will be home on Saturday the 21st. I would rather get home Saturday than Monday.
Anyways, well I will be on the lookout for the package but I imagine that it will still be a few weeks before it gets here. And I can't believe Stephanie is already gonna have her baby!! You'll have to let me know what day she's born. Well sorry my letter is so short, I will write more next week to let you know about my new area!! Love you guys!! Start feeling better!!
Elder Chambers
Well another week is done with. Sounds like it has been quite the week back home. I hope that Grandpa Spackman can get better soon!!! Sounds like everybody else and their dog is sick as well!! What is going on back in Benson? Anyways, I do have the picture of Rocio's baptism I just keep forgeting my camera, so next week I will try to send it. This past Sunday we had Stake Conference so she wasn't able to be confirmed but this next Sunday for sure.
I wasn't able to see the videos, maybe next week if I go to a different place it will be able to work. Well it looks like I won't be here in Tulancingo anymore!! They called us in the morning to tell us that I have changes! I am really happy, I was wanting changes. So we'll see where I am headed now. Hopefully somewhere where there are a bunch of Tacos!! Here in Tulancingo there aren't many Tacos. Elder Garcia also has changes.
That's great that Tracy has a bunch of work. I miss working alot actually. Hopefully they will still have a bunch when I get home. Here in the mission they usually send people home on Saturdays. They haven't told me anything yet but I imagine that I will be home on Saturday the 21st. I would rather get home Saturday than Monday.
Anyways, well I will be on the lookout for the package but I imagine that it will still be a few weeks before it gets here. And I can't believe Stephanie is already gonna have her baby!! You'll have to let me know what day she's born. Well sorry my letter is so short, I will write more next week to let you know about my new area!! Love you guys!! Start feeling better!!
Elder Chambers
Monday, March 12, 2012
Hey Fam!!!
How's things back home? Everything sounds good! I can't believe that Mom is forty years old!!!!! Before we know it she's gonna need a cane hahaha jk. Everything here is going good, my comp and I are getting along good, he is just annoying sometimes. Sometimes he don't wanna stop talkin.
The Investigator that took a hit last week is still goin good, we played soccer again today and he is on track for his baptism this Sunday with the other missionaries. And don't worry about taking pics of my shoes, I'm bringin those babies home as trophies haha. I actually am still using them.
The work is going good here. We baptized Rocio, and everything went great. She was really really happy, she was crying in her baptismal service, and later sent us a text message that said thanks for helping her to be baptized. She also invited us over to eat after her baptism. She is going to be probably one of my strongest converts that I have had. The cool thing was is that yesterday was her birthday as well, so she got a good present. She thought it was pretty cool to share a birthday with my mom.
Sounds like everybody is enjoying themselves back home is the warm weather. Sounds like you had a pretty fun basketball game. I seen the basketball clip that you sent me of Whitneys, she did good, she had a good steal there!!
I will be sure to be on the lookout for the packages. Packages are always the best. I am hoping for changes, in these next transfers but we will see what happens. Changes will be next Tuesday, who knows what will happen. Anyways, I gotta run! Thanks for all the updates! Love you guys!!
Elder Beanz
How's things back home? Everything sounds good! I can't believe that Mom is forty years old!!!!! Before we know it she's gonna need a cane hahaha jk. Everything here is going good, my comp and I are getting along good, he is just annoying sometimes. Sometimes he don't wanna stop talkin.
The Investigator that took a hit last week is still goin good, we played soccer again today and he is on track for his baptism this Sunday with the other missionaries. And don't worry about taking pics of my shoes, I'm bringin those babies home as trophies haha. I actually am still using them.
The work is going good here. We baptized Rocio, and everything went great. She was really really happy, she was crying in her baptismal service, and later sent us a text message that said thanks for helping her to be baptized. She also invited us over to eat after her baptism. She is going to be probably one of my strongest converts that I have had. The cool thing was is that yesterday was her birthday as well, so she got a good present. She thought it was pretty cool to share a birthday with my mom.
Sounds like everybody is enjoying themselves back home is the warm weather. Sounds like you had a pretty fun basketball game. I seen the basketball clip that you sent me of Whitneys, she did good, she had a good steal there!!
I will be sure to be on the lookout for the packages. Packages are always the best. I am hoping for changes, in these next transfers but we will see what happens. Changes will be next Tuesday, who knows what will happen. Anyways, I gotta run! Thanks for all the updates! Love you guys!!
Elder Beanz
Monday, March 5, 2012
Hey Family,
Another week gone!! Things here in Tulancingo are going pretty good. My comp and I are working really hard, he is kind of new so I always have to take the initiative. He is going to have 9 months the 22nd of this month. He's still got a long time to go!!!! The rain has finally seemed to stop here and it has been hot! My nose is always red like rudolf, even though I put alot of sunblock on!
The work is coming along. Rocio is on track for her baptism this coming Sunday! Last week we gave her a blessing to stop drinking cofee and she hasn't drank a drop since!! She told us the other day that she knows that Joseph Smith was a prophet so her testimony is also going strong! Diego is really excited for her. In all of his prayers he asks that she will be able to be baptized about 3 times in each prayer haha. The other converts here are going good as well. "The Prophet" is still coming to Church and is learning a lot.
Today we went to that turf field again and played soccer! It was fun. It always surprises the Mexicans that I know how to play. Some Elders invited an investigator to come play. So we were playin and I launched a rocket, and it hit the investigator straight in the nuts hahahahaha. Oh man, he had to go sit out for a few minutes, hopefully he will still want to listen haha.
I can't believe that you guys are already going to be out for Spring Break!! I remember 2 years ago you guys went down to Dixie for the break. That was pretty fun. Hopefully you guys can get something fun done! Well Saturday we played soccer with some kids in the church for a few minutes and what do you know. I started runnin right outta my shoes. My CTR shoes got a huge rip in em in the back, you can see my whole heel. But its all good I've still got the Wolverines.
How is Sky View Soccer goin? Have they even started yet? You guys probably don't hear much about them now anyways. How are the Jazz doing? I haven't heard anything about them. Well I gotta go!! Love you guys! Have a great week!
Elder Chambers
Another week gone!! Things here in Tulancingo are going pretty good. My comp and I are working really hard, he is kind of new so I always have to take the initiative. He is going to have 9 months the 22nd of this month. He's still got a long time to go!!!! The rain has finally seemed to stop here and it has been hot! My nose is always red like rudolf, even though I put alot of sunblock on!
The work is coming along. Rocio is on track for her baptism this coming Sunday! Last week we gave her a blessing to stop drinking cofee and she hasn't drank a drop since!! She told us the other day that she knows that Joseph Smith was a prophet so her testimony is also going strong! Diego is really excited for her. In all of his prayers he asks that she will be able to be baptized about 3 times in each prayer haha. The other converts here are going good as well. "The Prophet" is still coming to Church and is learning a lot.
Today we went to that turf field again and played soccer! It was fun. It always surprises the Mexicans that I know how to play. Some Elders invited an investigator to come play. So we were playin and I launched a rocket, and it hit the investigator straight in the nuts hahahahaha. Oh man, he had to go sit out for a few minutes, hopefully he will still want to listen haha.
I can't believe that you guys are already going to be out for Spring Break!! I remember 2 years ago you guys went down to Dixie for the break. That was pretty fun. Hopefully you guys can get something fun done! Well Saturday we played soccer with some kids in the church for a few minutes and what do you know. I started runnin right outta my shoes. My CTR shoes got a huge rip in em in the back, you can see my whole heel. But its all good I've still got the Wolverines.
How is Sky View Soccer goin? Have they even started yet? You guys probably don't hear much about them now anyways. How are the Jazz doing? I haven't heard anything about them. Well I gotta go!! Love you guys! Have a great week!
Elder Chambers
Monday, February 27, 2012






Dear Family,
Thanks once again for all of the emails. Everything back home sounds great!! Can you believe that we are almost into March!!? That means a lot of Birthdays!! Haha The weather has been off and on lately the other night it rained really, really hard here. Luckily we were already in the house when it started.
Yesterday we were able to baptize Maria. It all turned out pretty good. I baptized her. Here in Tulancingo it is a lot harder to find people to teach on your own. Maria is the first person her in Tulancingo that I've baptized that I have found. All of the others have been references from the ward. So that is good. We found her knocking doors, and when we first knocked she didn't let us in. We shared a quick ten minute lesson in her doorway and we told her that we would come back the next day. The next day we went back and this time she let us in. We taught her about baptism and invited her to be baptized and from that moment on she hasn't looked back. She accepted everything that we taught her very easily and we had no problems for her baptism.
We are also back to teaching Diego’s Mom. After she went to church the first time she really liked it and told her parents about it. But they cussed her out for going there and she was scared to keep listening to us. But this last week she called us and invited us back. She also went to church with us again yesterday and loved it. What will be hard for her is leaving behind her precious coffee. She is in love with coffee and has a bad addiction. But we are working on that.
Today we went to a Zoo! We went with Elder Castro and his companion. It was a pretty good Zoo, they have it all set up like it is a safari or something. They even have a big old safari bus that takes ya around, and you can feed a bunch of the animals. They had an 8 month old panther there and it is pretty tame. So you can pay 50 pesos and hold it and take pictures. I will be sure to send you guys that pic!! It was sick!!
Other than that not much else is happenin! We are working hard and hopefully we will soon start seeing more fruits of our hard work! I love you guys!! You're the best family ever!
Elder Chambers
Monday, February 20, 2012
Hola Everyone!
How has the week been? I hope that everybody back home is doing good! I can't believe that February is already coming to an end! The time just keeps rollin on. This week has been pretty good here in Tulancingo, the rain has stopped and we finally got to see the sun again!
The work is going good, this week we had five invesigators in church, two of which are on track for their baptisms this coming Sunday. One is named Daniel, he is 20 years old and is a boyfriend of one of the members here in the ward. We have been working with him since Elder Falslev was here but he wasn't married. So finally this Friday it looks like we are going to be able to help them get married so that he can get baptized! And the other Lady is Maria, I think I told you about her last week. She went to church with us for the second time yesterday, and is looking pretty excited for her baptism!
Today we also had a Zone Activity. We took the missionaries to some small pyramids here in Tulancingo that are named Huapalcalco. It was good, we had all of the senior comps put on blindfolds and the junior companions had to guide them up this mountain side without touching them. It was pretty funny watching everyone stumble around, having to listen to the fresh gringos who don't know much Spanish haha. The only bad thing that happened is that Elder Garcia left his backpack down by the pyramid and it got jacked! It had his camera there, with his credit card from the mission and from his house, and it had his money. So he pretty much lost all his pictures that he had taken his whole mission. He was pretty bummed.
But ya my comp looks like the Latin version of Robert off of Everybody loves Raymond hahahaha. The computer where we are at doesn't have a thingy to upload pics so I will try to send a pic next week. Well that is all that has happened this week!! Love you guys!
Elder Chambers
How has the week been? I hope that everybody back home is doing good! I can't believe that February is already coming to an end! The time just keeps rollin on. This week has been pretty good here in Tulancingo, the rain has stopped and we finally got to see the sun again!
The work is going good, this week we had five invesigators in church, two of which are on track for their baptisms this coming Sunday. One is named Daniel, he is 20 years old and is a boyfriend of one of the members here in the ward. We have been working with him since Elder Falslev was here but he wasn't married. So finally this Friday it looks like we are going to be able to help them get married so that he can get baptized! And the other Lady is Maria, I think I told you about her last week. She went to church with us for the second time yesterday, and is looking pretty excited for her baptism!
Today we also had a Zone Activity. We took the missionaries to some small pyramids here in Tulancingo that are named Huapalcalco. It was good, we had all of the senior comps put on blindfolds and the junior companions had to guide them up this mountain side without touching them. It was pretty funny watching everyone stumble around, having to listen to the fresh gringos who don't know much Spanish haha. The only bad thing that happened is that Elder Garcia left his backpack down by the pyramid and it got jacked! It had his camera there, with his credit card from the mission and from his house, and it had his money. So he pretty much lost all his pictures that he had taken his whole mission. He was pretty bummed.
But ya my comp looks like the Latin version of Robert off of Everybody loves Raymond hahahaha. The computer where we are at doesn't have a thingy to upload pics so I will try to send a pic next week. Well that is all that has happened this week!! Love you guys!
Elder Chambers
Monday, February 13, 2012
Hola Familia,
Another week gone!! I am now not Elder Falslev's companion. How sad! It has been a big change here with my new comp, I miss Elder Falslev a lot. He got moved over to Pachuca, about an hour away from here. But anyways my new companion is Elder Cataldo. He has been here in the mission for 7 months so he got moved up to Zone Leader really fast. I am training him how to be zone leader like I did with Elder Reyes. The cool thing is, is that he is from Chile. He is a good missionary and we are getting along fine.
I don't need anything for my birthday, definatley save your money! haha I have everything I need here. That's cool that you guys are getting a new computer! Hopefully it will work a lot better. Oh ya and talking about the rats the other day an Elder told us that a rat got in their house and it was crawling on his face in the night. haha then he woke up and freaked out and that led to his companion also freaking out but not knowing why. hahaha.
Well we have gotten pure rain rain rain this week. Every day it has rained! But it actually didn't rain today, it's a miracle!! So the streets have been empty day after day after day. We knocked so many doors this week. I'm not a big fan of knocking doors. We found a few people. But the coolest person that we found is named Maria. She is a young Mom, she probably is around 23 years old and has two kids. Imar her 7 year old girl and Victor her baby. But we found her knocking doors and we have had a few lessons with her now. She has accepted everything that we have taught so far, and accepted to be baptized as well the 26th of this month. She seemed to really like church yesterday.
Diego's Mom isn't really progressing now. We put various appointments with her this week but she blew us off on all of them. She said she would go to church but didn't go. But the good news is that Diego went and I confirmed him. He is still really excited!
Today we went and played soccer with some missionaries here in the zone. It was fun. We played on a little turf field, it is a lot better than just playing on cement. My comp suposedly played in some university in Chile but he wasn't as good as he talked himself up to be.
Well that is all, I am super tired from playin so much. I love you guys!!
Elder Chambitas
Oh ya Elder Navarro is now training!!! He has progressed a lot! I seen him at the changes.
Another week gone!! I am now not Elder Falslev's companion. How sad! It has been a big change here with my new comp, I miss Elder Falslev a lot. He got moved over to Pachuca, about an hour away from here. But anyways my new companion is Elder Cataldo. He has been here in the mission for 7 months so he got moved up to Zone Leader really fast. I am training him how to be zone leader like I did with Elder Reyes. The cool thing is, is that he is from Chile. He is a good missionary and we are getting along fine.
I don't need anything for my birthday, definatley save your money! haha I have everything I need here. That's cool that you guys are getting a new computer! Hopefully it will work a lot better. Oh ya and talking about the rats the other day an Elder told us that a rat got in their house and it was crawling on his face in the night. haha then he woke up and freaked out and that led to his companion also freaking out but not knowing why. hahaha.
Well we have gotten pure rain rain rain this week. Every day it has rained! But it actually didn't rain today, it's a miracle!! So the streets have been empty day after day after day. We knocked so many doors this week. I'm not a big fan of knocking doors. We found a few people. But the coolest person that we found is named Maria. She is a young Mom, she probably is around 23 years old and has two kids. Imar her 7 year old girl and Victor her baby. But we found her knocking doors and we have had a few lessons with her now. She has accepted everything that we have taught so far, and accepted to be baptized as well the 26th of this month. She seemed to really like church yesterday.
Diego's Mom isn't really progressing now. We put various appointments with her this week but she blew us off on all of them. She said she would go to church but didn't go. But the good news is that Diego went and I confirmed him. He is still really excited!
Today we went and played soccer with some missionaries here in the zone. It was fun. We played on a little turf field, it is a lot better than just playing on cement. My comp suposedly played in some university in Chile but he wasn't as good as he talked himself up to be.
Well that is all, I am super tired from playin so much. I love you guys!!
Elder Chambitas
Oh ya Elder Navarro is now training!!! He has progressed a lot! I seen him at the changes.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Hey Everybody!!
Everything is going good here. I hope the same for everybody back home. So it's mine and Falslev’s last day together haha today in the morning they told us that Elder Falslev has changes tomorrow so I will be getting another comp here in Tulancingo. So that means I will probably be here another 2 cycles, until April. I will probably train a new zone leader, like I did with Elder Reyes.
That's crazy that you guys have gotten hardly any snow, I can't believe that Dad was actually able to ride the street bike in February!! That won't be too good later on though for all the farmers. We did end up getting the package the other day, so I got my socks and everything, thanks a bunch!
Well yesterday we baptized Diego, everything turned out really good. After we gave him this hot wheels monster truck thing, he was so happy! His brother is a recent convert as well. But the best news is that Wednesday we got a call from Diego's brother Lalo and he told us that his Mom wanted to listen to us. The missionaries had tried before with her but she didn't want to listen to them. But now she said that from the changes she has seen in her kids she also wants to hear the Gospel. We went that same night and put a baptismal date with her for the 19th of this month. She accepted everything and went to church for the first time yesterday. She was even crying in Diego's baptismal service, she is progressing really well.
This week Elder Falslev and I both had colds, but everything is good now. I hate being sick! But we did get to go visit some of our converts in Azteca. We didn't tell anyone that we were going so that it would be a surprise. We went to the hermana Angeles house first and she was shocked to see us. haha She is doing really really good, she is going to start the Temple prep classes next week so that she can take out her endowments. I am so happy for her. I also visited the Delgado Briones and Rodriguez families, they are also doing good. The husbands don't go every week so I had to set em straight again. Hopefully they too can enter the Temple before July. It was great seeing everybody again!
It has been raining here a lot lately which is really unusual for January and February! Hopefully it stops soon, I hate workin’ in the rain! I heard about the super bowl. I can't believe the giants won again!! Its time for a Cowboys superbowl!!! Oh ya before I forget we had another rat problem! But we got him. haha Well that is about it for this week! Love you guys!!
Elder Chambers
Monday, January 30, 2012
Que pachó Familia,
Well It's already Monday again, I can't believe it. January is already gonna be over! I hope that all is well back home in Cache Valley, I haven't heard much of what is happenin in the news. Everything here in Tulancingo is going good. It's the same ole same ole. I'm pretty sure that Elder Falslev will be leaving and that I will be staying here in the area. It is a pretty good area, you have to work with the members alot more here though because there aren't as many people as the city.
Ya the house doesn't look like much from the outside, but inside it is one of the best ones in the mission. I think that they still do karate next door, we're not home much so I haven't really paid attention. But ya we locked our keys inside last week so we had to do a little break in haha.
The work is going good. Sunday Faviola and her kids were all confirmed so she is officially a member of the Church! Ya! haha they are doing really good, she even signed up to give us food this coming Saturday. Everything is still looking good with Diego, he's the little kid. He was telling us Sunday, my baptism is for sure gonna be next Sunday right? he is really really excited! We also had two others in Church an older lady with her 30 year old son. The son is kind of not all there, but we have an appointment with them this week to see what's up.
This Thursday we have our monthly meeting with President, so that means more traveling. It takes about 3 hours to get back to the Temple. Elder Falslev and I were going to try and visit some converts from Azteca while we are there close. I really want to visit Angeles to see how she is doing. Hopefully I will get around to all 3 families there.
Well not to much is new this week, sorry for such a short letter. Elder Falslev and I are going to try and enjoy our last week together. Hopefully we have some fun experiences. Well I gotta go! Love ya!
Elder Chambers
Well It's already Monday again, I can't believe it. January is already gonna be over! I hope that all is well back home in Cache Valley, I haven't heard much of what is happenin in the news. Everything here in Tulancingo is going good. It's the same ole same ole. I'm pretty sure that Elder Falslev will be leaving and that I will be staying here in the area. It is a pretty good area, you have to work with the members alot more here though because there aren't as many people as the city.
Ya the house doesn't look like much from the outside, but inside it is one of the best ones in the mission. I think that they still do karate next door, we're not home much so I haven't really paid attention. But ya we locked our keys inside last week so we had to do a little break in haha.
The work is going good. Sunday Faviola and her kids were all confirmed so she is officially a member of the Church! Ya! haha they are doing really good, she even signed up to give us food this coming Saturday. Everything is still looking good with Diego, he's the little kid. He was telling us Sunday, my baptism is for sure gonna be next Sunday right? he is really really excited! We also had two others in Church an older lady with her 30 year old son. The son is kind of not all there, but we have an appointment with them this week to see what's up.
This Thursday we have our monthly meeting with President, so that means more traveling. It takes about 3 hours to get back to the Temple. Elder Falslev and I were going to try and visit some converts from Azteca while we are there close. I really want to visit Angeles to see how she is doing. Hopefully I will get around to all 3 families there.
Well not to much is new this week, sorry for such a short letter. Elder Falslev and I are going to try and enjoy our last week together. Hopefully we have some fun experiences. Well I gotta go! Love ya!
Elder Chambers
Monday, January 23, 2012
Hey Family!
Well another week done and gone! The older you get the faster the time goes! Sounds like everything back home is going great except for Mom being sick! The pictures of Dad and Duke were pretty cool! I can't wait to go pheasant huntin again! But the big surprise is Odis!!! He looks like he is a zombie or somethin hahaha this past year and a half haven't treated him to swell. I doubt he will make it six more months!
Well you know the Profet lady that we were teaching well.... she was baptized yesterday with her two kids!!!!! It was so sick! She had so many doubts but she prayed about her baptism and her prayer was answered! Even though she still has some wierd ideas I know she is gonna be a strong member! She has seemed so different since receiving her answer that she needed to be baptized! She has been super happy, yesterday also went great, the baptisms were all in nice warm water! I baptized the prophet, her name is Faviola, and Falslev baptized the two kids, Angel and Evelin. It was so nice to baptize again, it had been awhile!
In Church we also had some other investigators there. The couple from Zacualpan Veracruz came again and seem like they are excited to be baptized but we are just letting them figure out the marriage thing. Who knows when it will actually take place, we also had the brother of a recent convert show up, he is 9 years old and pretty cool. His name is Diego and when he seen the baptisms all goin down, he came up and asked hey Chambers, when can I get baptized!?? ahaha he is pretty cool. If we get his Mom's permission he should be baptized the 5th of Feb.
Today me and Falslev were walking in Waldos and you'll never guess what we found! Yep Mtn Dew!! The cans are all pretty banged up because of all the shipping but we bought em. We ended up gettin 12 of em for 8 pesos each. We are pretty excited!! We didn't do much for the 18th month thing, we did buy pizza though. That was good!
Well I haven't gotten any more packages, probably I will get it right before changes, that is when we will see Pres and the secretaries next. Changes are coming up Feb. 7th. President in our interviews this past week pretty much told us that me and Falslev will be gettin split up haha. Oh well. Lacey's car stereo sounds pretty sick, wish I could be there to hear it.
Not much else new is going on out here. Tell Both grandmas thanks for all the letters and emails that they send. I don't have much time to write them though. How are the Jazz doing? Lacey told me that the Giants and Patriots are going to the superbowl! Sounds like one not even worth watching!!
Well, I gotta go! Thanks for everything! Love you guys!
Elder Chambers
Monday, January 16, 2012
Hola Familia,
It was good to hear from everybody this week, sounds like everybody back home is enjoying life to the max! That stinks that Dad had to work on a Holiday! Oh well here for missionaries there are no holidays. To answer all of the questions well, Elder Falslev is doing good and got his tooth all fixed up. The investigators that we had we decided to drop, the long Christmas break didn't help us out very much and they kind of lost interest. The other mom and kids that we were teaching hasn't been able to make it to Church either so we might have to drop them as well.
On the bright side of things, we are currently teaching a Christian Prophet Lady hahahaha. I don't remember if I have told you guys about her yet. But it is this red headed lady and she thinks that she has the priesthood and she is supposedly a prophet in her church. I gotta give it to her, she knows a lot, but is a little confused about baptism, she thinks her baptism was valid so we have really been focusing on how we receive power from God and we have been explaining a lot about Joseph Smith. She has now went to Church twice so she is obviously interested. She is inactive in her other Church and things are looking good. Hopefully she will make the right decision. She also has 3 kids. The other day we were ending a lesson with her and was like, Hey do you guys want me to pray in tongues for you guys? Me and Falslev didn't know quite what she meant so we said uh sure. So she starts out the prayer normal and then all the sudden she was like and I pray for Chambers, and she started mumbling a whole bunch of garbage that didn't even make sense! hahahhaah it went somethin like, shim tumble skrum bop mishi doop, hahah but it went on for like two minutes haha, and during those two minutes she started rubbing my forehead with her finger hahahahaha. Then she went over to Falslev and did the same! We were trying so hard not to burst out laughing! I had to bite my shirt to not laugh!
Today we had a Zone Activity, we went to this area called Huachinango in Puebla and we hiked to a water fall, it was pretty cool! Then we hiked back and ate the biggest hamburger that I have ever seen! It was a kilo of meat!!! That's like 2.2 lbs! I got a little more than halfway and couldn't eat more, it was just too much meat! But overall it was a pretty fun activity, I will try to send pics today, if not today then next week for sure.
Ya the I pod cost me about 120 bucks. But it is a 3rd Generation. I'm pretty sure that it was stolen though hahaha. It works fine and is an 8 gig. I had to go all the way to the downtown city to get it but I will probably end up going back before the end of my mission so let me know if you need anything. The 4 generation ones are there too but they are way expensive so I couldn't even think of a 4th G. I have been testin the one I got out and it seems to work perfectly.
Things are going good here in Tulancingo!! Thanks for all the emails every week!! Don't stop writin!! You're all champs!! Love you guys!!
Elder Cool Beanz
It was good to hear from everybody this week, sounds like everybody back home is enjoying life to the max! That stinks that Dad had to work on a Holiday! Oh well here for missionaries there are no holidays. To answer all of the questions well, Elder Falslev is doing good and got his tooth all fixed up. The investigators that we had we decided to drop, the long Christmas break didn't help us out very much and they kind of lost interest. The other mom and kids that we were teaching hasn't been able to make it to Church either so we might have to drop them as well.
On the bright side of things, we are currently teaching a Christian Prophet Lady hahahaha. I don't remember if I have told you guys about her yet. But it is this red headed lady and she thinks that she has the priesthood and she is supposedly a prophet in her church. I gotta give it to her, she knows a lot, but is a little confused about baptism, she thinks her baptism was valid so we have really been focusing on how we receive power from God and we have been explaining a lot about Joseph Smith. She has now went to Church twice so she is obviously interested. She is inactive in her other Church and things are looking good. Hopefully she will make the right decision. She also has 3 kids. The other day we were ending a lesson with her and was like, Hey do you guys want me to pray in tongues for you guys? Me and Falslev didn't know quite what she meant so we said uh sure. So she starts out the prayer normal and then all the sudden she was like and I pray for Chambers, and she started mumbling a whole bunch of garbage that didn't even make sense! hahahhaah it went somethin like, shim tumble skrum bop mishi doop, hahah but it went on for like two minutes haha, and during those two minutes she started rubbing my forehead with her finger hahahahaha. Then she went over to Falslev and did the same! We were trying so hard not to burst out laughing! I had to bite my shirt to not laugh!
Today we had a Zone Activity, we went to this area called Huachinango in Puebla and we hiked to a water fall, it was pretty cool! Then we hiked back and ate the biggest hamburger that I have ever seen! It was a kilo of meat!!! That's like 2.2 lbs! I got a little more than halfway and couldn't eat more, it was just too much meat! But overall it was a pretty fun activity, I will try to send pics today, if not today then next week for sure.
Ya the I pod cost me about 120 bucks. But it is a 3rd Generation. I'm pretty sure that it was stolen though hahaha. It works fine and is an 8 gig. I had to go all the way to the downtown city to get it but I will probably end up going back before the end of my mission so let me know if you need anything. The 4 generation ones are there too but they are way expensive so I couldn't even think of a 4th G. I have been testin the one I got out and it seems to work perfectly.
Things are going good here in Tulancingo!! Thanks for all the emails every week!! Don't stop writin!! You're all champs!! Love you guys!!
Elder Cool Beanz
Monday, January 9, 2012
Hola Familia,
Well it's been another week!! The weeks are sure passing by! Today Kayd completes 19 months, that sounds a little bit weird. Soon I will be at 18 months. I'm glad that everybody liked the pics, and ya that lamb was out in Zacualpan in Veracruz, we got to this members house and they had just skinned er. They were gonna cook it up real nice later that night, but we didn't stay. Here they eat everything! And I mean every thing, the sister was over there washin out the intestines and stomach so that they could make a tasty stew as well haha. gross!!
So I finally gave in and well, I got way sick this week! Tuesday night we went and ate guajalotes but somethin must of been bad in em. At 3 in the morning I woke up and had the bad belly! I couldn't sleep so I was just laying in my bed with a bowl in case I threw up. Then at about 4 in the morning I threw up, hahahaha It was so loud that it scared Falslev out of his sleep hahaha. He got up so fast and went and flipped on the light!! We had a good laugh about it. I felt alot better after but then at 5 it all came back and I had to repeat the process! I also had the worst diahrea ever! Sorry for all the details, but I was so sick! One time I had to ralph and number 2 at the same time, it was bad! But it only lasted a day, now I'm feelin alot better!
Well another anniversary down for you guys, how many is that now? It's getting up there haha. I hope that you both remembered it haha. That is crazy that Jesse is 21 now, I'll be soon to follow. I sure don't feel like I'm 21! I still can't grow much hair on my chin! What is even weirder to think is that Lacey will be 17, and Whitney 13 this year! I can't believe it, it feels like I was just their age.
Ya I'm lookin for a dark blue thing for Dad, I haven't found much yet, but I will don't worry. The cold is off and on here in Tulancingo, at night you need a sweater and gloves but in the day it still gets pretty hot! The houses here are all made of cement so the house gets cold when the weather gets cold, and the house gets hot when the weather gets hot! Nobody down here has air conditioning or furnaces!
I took some money out the other day so that if I see somethin I want I can just buy it. Is there anything that you guys want me to get ya? Well everything is going good here in the mission thanks for all the letters and support, gotta run, love you guys!
Elder Chambers
Well it's been another week!! The weeks are sure passing by! Today Kayd completes 19 months, that sounds a little bit weird. Soon I will be at 18 months. I'm glad that everybody liked the pics, and ya that lamb was out in Zacualpan in Veracruz, we got to this members house and they had just skinned er. They were gonna cook it up real nice later that night, but we didn't stay. Here they eat everything! And I mean every thing, the sister was over there washin out the intestines and stomach so that they could make a tasty stew as well haha. gross!!
So I finally gave in and well, I got way sick this week! Tuesday night we went and ate guajalotes but somethin must of been bad in em. At 3 in the morning I woke up and had the bad belly! I couldn't sleep so I was just laying in my bed with a bowl in case I threw up. Then at about 4 in the morning I threw up, hahahaha It was so loud that it scared Falslev out of his sleep hahaha. He got up so fast and went and flipped on the light!! We had a good laugh about it. I felt alot better after but then at 5 it all came back and I had to repeat the process! I also had the worst diahrea ever! Sorry for all the details, but I was so sick! One time I had to ralph and number 2 at the same time, it was bad! But it only lasted a day, now I'm feelin alot better!
Well another anniversary down for you guys, how many is that now? It's getting up there haha. I hope that you both remembered it haha. That is crazy that Jesse is 21 now, I'll be soon to follow. I sure don't feel like I'm 21! I still can't grow much hair on my chin! What is even weirder to think is that Lacey will be 17, and Whitney 13 this year! I can't believe it, it feels like I was just their age.
Ya I'm lookin for a dark blue thing for Dad, I haven't found much yet, but I will don't worry. The cold is off and on here in Tulancingo, at night you need a sweater and gloves but in the day it still gets pretty hot! The houses here are all made of cement so the house gets cold when the weather gets cold, and the house gets hot when the weather gets hot! Nobody down here has air conditioning or furnaces!
I took some money out the other day so that if I see somethin I want I can just buy it. Is there anything that you guys want me to get ya? Well everything is going good here in the mission thanks for all the letters and support, gotta run, love you guys!
Elder Chambers
Monday, January 2, 2012
Hello Family,
Man, how the time flies!! It's already been two weeks since we talked last!! It seems like just yesterday! Can you guys believe that it is already 2012!? The year the world ends!!! Haha I remember last new years eve, Elder Castro and I were playin chess till 12 haha. This year me and Falslev went to bed at like 10 haha. We didn't see much fun in stayin up just to see the clock change!
The work is going slow slow slow! These Holidays have really killed us. Last year was bad but the two biggest days 25th and 1st were both Sundays!! Not even half the ward made it to church let alone the investigators. But we have been finding some people. This week we found a sick family! They don't have a Dad, but it is a Mom and her three kids. She was a reference from a member. We went there first to give her a blessing and she seemed really cool. So we asked to go back the next day! We taught her and when I invited her to be baptized she accepted so fast!! I asked her that if she had the chance to be baptized like Jesus Christ...... then she blurted out, "Would I? Yes" haha she finished my own question. All her kids are over 8 so hopefully we can get them to Church this coming Sunday!
That is crazy that Lacey got another ticket!! Don't go to hard on her haha. It happens! Stinkin cops! It was good to hear about the ward and everybody! Sounds like Grandpa Spackman is doing a good job with his classes!
That sucks that the Cowboys lost, who knows if they will ever be good again! Maybe in 30 years! They always seem to lose the big games! Here it has been actually pretty cold the last 2 days! Me and Kayd are freezing to death haha jk. But it has gotten a lot colder.
We haven't gotten any Christmas cards yet. Who knows if they will get here. My shoes are still doing pretty good. My smaller ones are a little worn out but they still should make it to the end. And the bigger ones are still in good shape, I don't wear them as much. So all should be good to go!
I don't have much other news, I got a lot of emails this week so don't get mad if I can't respond to everyone today, we don't have to much time!! Well I gotta go! Thanks for all the support! Love ya!
Elder Chambers
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