Investigator from Haiti

Monday, December 27, 2010

Hola Familia,

Hey guys, well Christmas is gone and over with! All that waitin and it is gone in one day haha. Sounds like you guys had a good Christmas, Now you can start celebrating New Years. I opened the mac n cheese as soon as I got done talkin with you guys! Thanks for the MP3 it is nice to have a little music now haha.

That is weird that Curt is down here in Pachuca too! He actually called me this morning, he told me he was going to try and pass by next week and give me the stuff. Hopefully they can find our house haha. Well not too much happened this week. Talking to everyone was definately the highlight, I felt like I had went back to Benson for 45 minutes haha. It was nice.

Like I told you guys on Saturday, here Christmas is the 24th so everyone was partying and everything. Then the 25th there was hardly anyone in town! We were walking down the streets and they were pretty much empty. It was around 1 o'clock when everyone started waking up and coming outside. Most of the people were on hangovers haha or they were still drunk. All the wives were escorting their husbands everywhere cuz they were out of it haha.

The work is still going slow here in Pachuquilla. We ended up with one investigator showing up to Church. The people just can't keep their word here it is one thing that really bothers me! The guy that we found that I told you about, is named Cesar, he is 34 years old and really is liking our lessons. We called him Sunday morning to make sure everything was good for Church and he told us yes. Then what do you know he never showed up. We are also teaching his brother Miguel, they are alot alike but Miguel is 20 years old. He is super chill. Cesar was going to pick him up for Church that morning so they could go together, but Cesar never showed up. So Miguel came by himself. Haha So Miguel was our only investigator in Church but we were grateful to have him there. We are going to have a lesson with both of them tonight we are going to see what happened with Cesar yesterday. I think it will be a legitament excuse because he told his brother in the morning yesterday that he would pick him up. We will see what happened. They are really are only investigators that are looking promising right now, we need to find new ones this week.

Well, that is about all, I said about everything on the phone haha. Thanks for the packages that you sent me for Christmas, hope you liked mine. Well I will talk to you guys next week, well next year that is haha. Have a good New Years!! Pet the dogs for me! Haha miss you guys!

Love, Elder Chambers

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