Investigator from Haiti

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hola Familia!

How is everyone doing! This week has went by fairly fast here in Provo. I got the cow pictures yesterday, I thought they would be bigger than they looked haha. Jr. still looks newborn haha, Yoda looks like he is pregnant! Napoleon looks like he is pretty big and Biff looks normal haha. Everyone thinks I'm the biggest hick haha because I was so excited for those cow pictures haha I loved them tho! Especially the one of Napoleon eatin corn!! I definatley need a real one of that!! haha

Well so here is the deal with Visas! You know how I told you 44 had Permiso's, well Me and the 3 other Elders going to East have our Permisos, all of Mexico City East does. Has Kayd gotten to Mexico yet? Anyways, so us 4 will not be getting reassigned, they will hold us here until the consolate in Salt Lake calls for us to meet with them, we don't know when this will be. The other 6 Elders in our District going to West do not have permisos and are getting reassigned. They haven't gotten their reassignments yet though. Anyways I'm pretty excited that I at least have my Permiso, hopefully the Consolate calls within the next week so I can get my Visa and leave.

Anyways about the voice recording thing, they are about 30 bucks here so I dunno if you could find a cheaper one at home. It would be cool but I don't want to spend 30 bucks haha. That is cool that Layne got his call be sure to dear elder me as soon as you find out where he is going. My companion is off of crutches so we get around a little better now. I hated having to carry his food in the cafeteria it was the worst carrying mine and his through a million people! It is better now.

I heard that Dallas got owned by the refs Sunday! Be sure to send me Dear Elders right after their games so I know if they won or not. I had to wait until Tuesday to find out haha. But it sounds like the Redskins had the luckiest game of their lives! A fumble return and then they needed a last play penalty to win. Lame!! It sounds like Romo did good tho, did Dez Bryant play? How did he do?

We had our last TRC this week it was pretty easy it was on lesson two again. They only teach you lessons 1 and 2 here in the MTC and Lessons 3,4,5, are on your own in the mission field. So maybe I will get some time to study those lessons since I will probably be delayed a bit. I don't know what we will do after Monday because our Teachers will have different jobs so we will be on our own. And if we get a new District on Wednesday they will probably need our classroom so I dunno where we will go after Wednesday.

Not to brag or anything but I've been tearin it up at MTC soccer!! There are so many people playing every time! Me and Elder Green own everyone but he left today for the Dominican Repulic so I dunno if it will be as fun now. We kindof got sick of volleyball too. The Gym is supposed to open back up on Wednesday so we will see if we can finally play Basketball. Everyone talks themselves up like they are amazing at everything here so we will see if everyone is as good at Basketball as they claim to be. haha

I Don't know what else to tell you. I didn't get to go to the real world last week because another Elder needed to go to the bone doctor too so they put him on exchanges with my companion. I was pretty bummed but it's alright! Hopefully they have a Taco Bell in Mexico!! haha O I bought a CD of pics that I need to send home and you guys can develop whatever ones you want. I will try to send that today. Also tell Grandpa and Grandma Spackman thanks for all their letters they write me at least twice a week, I will try to get them a letter today. Well I feel ready for Mexico my Espanol isn't perfect but I would probably survive. . . . I thinks anyways. I'm excited to see what this week brings. Gotta Run! Thanks for all the letters and stuff. You guys are the best! Let me know about the Dallas games haha. I love all of you.


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