Investigator from Haiti
Monday, April 30, 2012
Hola Familia,
Hey Everybody!! Well another week gone! Everything has been great here, we have had a lot of work this past week and a lot more in this week coming. Sounds like everything home is going well! I can't believe that everybody has already planted their gardens, that is crazy. It is starting to get hot here as well, this whole week past has been a scorcher, but may is the hot month, it should be hot until june or july.
Well just so that everybody knows I will be with Elder Jordan another cycle. But I'm happy that we didn't have changes, we get along really well. He will be my first companion that I kill (be his last companion). Elder Falslev has changes, I'm sure that he is really happy, I don't think he liked his last companion too much.
These up coming weeks, we are going to have to do a lot of trainings. I don't know how we are going to get it all done, but, one week at a time! The work is going well. Eric, the miracle guy is super ready for his baptism. He already knows more than half the members. He is really smart, I don't think I've ever had a convert so ready for baptism its great. Hopefully in a year he will decide to go on a mission. We also found a Lady this week named Monica, she is awesome! Her husband died about 2 years ago and we taught her a little of the plan of salvation and baptism. She was brought to tears and has accepted everything since. She also has an 18 year old niece that we are teaching with her. She is 7 months pregnant, and her boyfriend dumped her, so I think the Gospel will help her alot in her life. They both are progressing for the 13th of May for their baptisms.
This week contacting in the streets we found a Chinese lady hahahaha. I was laughing so hard. She was talking Spanish but she still had her Chinese accent. Then we told her that we wanted to talk about God, and she said "God? No, no i be de Buddha!" hahahaha it was all in her little accent it was so funny!
Today, new missionaries got here from the MTC. There were only three and they are all from Mexico. We spent most of the day with them at Presidents house training them. We didn't have much of a P-Day today, but we did get really good food from Sister Hicken. She is a pretty good cook!
Well I gotta go, hope all is well back home! Love you guys, have a great week!
Elder Chambers
Monday, April 23, 2012
Hola Familia,
Hey Everybody!! That is pretty neat that there was a baptism back home. It has been awhile since the last! The pictures look good. Did Kevin get to baptize her? Did he do it in Spanish or English?
Well I finally got the package that you sent with all of the letters. Thanks for that it is always nice to get real hand written ones. I don't know why it took so long. But it got here after all.
The work is going good. We didn't baptize this past Sunday, it was a real bummer. But Elder Jordan and I have a really really big teaching pool. We are hoping to have some real success here shortly. This past week we had a miracle that just went to the church on Wednesday. Luckily there were some sisters there and they talked to him. He said that he has known a lot of members in his life and there were a lot where he went to school. His name is Eric, and is about 23 years old. We have him set up for the 6th of May for his baptism. We are also working with a few families.
The families in Azteca are going good. I talked to the missionary that is working over there today and he said that the Rodriguez Family has already finished their interviews to go to the temple and that the Hermana Angeles has as well. Hopefully soon they will be going in.
I bet that I can use skype here if you guys really want me too. I will look around for a member that has a computer with skype. It seems like the time from Christmas till now has really flown by! I also got the pictures that you all sent me. Odis is looking old old old! I dunno that he's gonna make it!
Well everything here is going great! I hope that everyone has a great week!!! I gotta run! Love you guys!
Elder Chambers
Monday, April 16, 2012
Hola Familia,
Hey everybody!! Well everything has been pretty good down here in Mexico. It is startin to get hot here, it will be hot until July, then we will start gettin rain again! How is the weather back home? I haven't heard much from the families in Azteca. I had heard that starting May the Rodriguez Family was going to enter the Temple, but nothing is confirmed yet. President doesn't want us calling our converts or anything like that so I haven't had much communication with them.
Things here in the work are going great. We had 13 investigators in Church, that was nice. We had two whole families and some others. We also had the baptism of Monica. She is the wife of a recent convert, we really struggled to get her in the water but she finally made the right decision. We are working with another guy named Isac, he almost got baptized yesterday but backed out, we will be working with him this week to get him excited.
This past week I had the chance to work with my old companions. We went on divisions first in Tulancingo and I went a day with Elder Cataldo again. He is doing good, I also got to see Rocio again! She is going really really strong, probably one of my best converts. She already has a calling as a teacher of Sunday School or something like that. Then Wednesday I got to go again with the one and only Elder Castro again!! It was pretty fun. We came back to my area and we found a family of 4 that all went to church. Then on Thursday I went out to Pachuca and went with Elder Falslev again!! It was awesome, we get along pretty well!
Ya me and Elder Anderson took a picture on some broom things they have here during a service project. That is crazy that President Toombs knows them! Anyways, Lacey's dress looked pretty good. Sounds like she had a good time. Her room looks really really good! I bet that took a long time to fix up! The whole house is gonna look new by the time I get home!
Today I bought me a little desk cactus for 10 pesos. It is pretty legit, I am sending a pic! I still haven't got the package with all the letters, maybe it got lost! Oh well! Well there is much new happening here. Elder Jordan and I are getting along great! The work is going good! I love you guys! Have a great week!
Elder Chambers
Oh ya the pic with the pancakes is us raiding Presidents pantry after he had went to bed! and the other is a pic that a little girl drew of me and my comp, and we all have mustaches, even the sun! hahaha
Monday, April 9, 2012
Hola Familia,
Well I can't believe how fast this past week has went! The time is really flying by! Everything back home sounds great, I'm glad you guys are getting some warmer weather. It has been a pretty hot week here as well, April and May are the hot months of the year here in the City.
Here the whole week has been the Holy Week for the Catholics. They supposedly celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ all week and they go to their Church. Lots of the Catholics don't go to church except on this week. I didn't really see much of a change, All of the kids were out of school and the parents were off work. And instead of making it a holy week, most of them used it as an excuse to get drunk with their buddies. We seen so many drunk people in the streets!! I'm sick of drunk peeps!!
The work is going good! This past Friday we had a baptismal service for three ladies that we have been teaching. They all live a part, their names are Ana, Esmeralda, and Leticia. They are all really good converts, and were all really ready for their baptisms. This week we are going to be working with another lady, who told us that this Saturday she wants to be baptized and another guy that we found named Isac. He is really interested, he just works a lot so it is hard to teach him, but he should be ready to be baptized this coming Sunday as well.
Today I made the cookies that you had sent me in the package. The vanilla had exploded and spilled all over so I just did them without vanilla. They taste pretty good anyways though. Elder Jordan was pretty happy to have some chocolate chip cookies! I still haven't gotten the other package, hopefully soon it will get here.
The Gospel is true! I gotta run but I love you guys!! Thanks for all the emails!
Elder Chambers
Monday, April 2, 2012
Hola Familia!
Well another week another dollar!! Haha jk Sounds like everything back home is going good! That's great that Grandpa Spackman is back up and goin!! And that everything is good with the new baby! I got the pics, she looks pretty little! Tell Steph and Wade congrats for me.
Supposedly there was another earthquake today! My comp and I were headed to Walmart and we seen everyone outside waiting to go in, they told us that there had been an earthquake, but we didn't feel anything. It sounds like you guys have quite the projects going on with all the room changes. I'm sure that will be fun. haha.
We don't have anything to do with the Elders going home or visas or anything, there are secretaries for all that stuff. But I do know that Kayd hasn't signed his Visa so they will have to get on that before June!! But my Visa is all taken care of!
For my Birthday I bought me a watch. Hopefully it will last a while it is pretty nice. Conference was also really good. I especially liked Elder Hollands talk on Envy!!! And how we should not be jealous of other's blessings. It was amazing! Then at the end he was just like Don't Delay, time is almost up!!! I also liked Elder Utchdorf's talk on Judging people.
We are having a lot of success right now. We had 10 people to conference, and we also baptized a guy named Enrique. He is a super good guy. One of the most humble guys that I know!! We had an hermano baptize him, the service went really well! Enrique is the one on the left in the picture. And ya I know I look short compared to my companion haha. If things go as planned we should be back in the water this week and the next with a few baptisms.
This week my comp and I had to do a training for all the zone leaders and President. It went really really well. President was pleased with the training that we gave. We used to parable things from the book mom sent me. So hopefully it will keep being useful for us.
I still haven't gotten the package of the letters and stuff, so hopefully it will come soon. I am sending some pics of the baptism of Rocio and the prophet lady from Tulancingo, and also some cool members that were there. Anyways I gotta go, thanks for all the support. Love you guys!!
Elder Chambers
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