Hola Familia,
hey everybody how are things going in Benson? Things here are going good still. This week we are in another crappy internet place the computer is slower than tar!! Oh the computers here are really bugging me you can't do anything that you want to do!!! The truth is is that my camera is not stolen I havent been robbed everything is fine I just can't load the stinking pictures because all the computers are crap.
This week we were able to have two baptisms, one of them is named Sandra and one of them was named Aldair. They were both young uns more or less. Sandra is 26 years old and Aldair is 20, they aren't related or anything. Their baptisms just happened to fall on the same day. The baptisms went really good, I baptized Sandra and Elder Garcia baptized Aldair. We once again had the Family Solis there in Church too, we are trying really hard to baptize them this next Sunday, I think that they are going to do it. If so we are going to have a really good cycle if not then we are going to have a mediocre cycle. So we need lots of prayers that they will accept their baptism for this Sunday.
Today we went to the "Centro" of Mexico, It's like Downtown, the busiest part. It is like a half hour away from our area. To get there we had to go on the Subway, it was super super packed you had to push your way in and then you couldn't even hardly move because it was so full of peeps!! It was pretty cool! There was a bunch of people though! We seen this giant Catholic Church that is really famous. I sent a picture, We even went inside it haha. There was people praying and what not, they even had little boxes with a Catholic Priest inside and when we passed by someone was confessing their sins to the Priest. It was crazy haha, but the Church itself was pretty amazing. I also bought me a pretty sweet Jersey today, it is of Brasil!
This week I also felt the Spirit a bunch!! We had a lot of lessons that were really powerful and strong. It is really cool to see how far my Spanish is coming too, I have to do most of the talking in the lessons. Everything went good this week! I am trying to get you guys a few letters mailed off but I swear the time goes faster here in the City, I hardly have time to write. Hopefully I will get them sent off this week. This week I also got letters from Grandma C and Dillon, it was good to hear from them.
We also had a meeting this week with President Hicken. It was a leadership training thing or something like that. It was really cool, President Hicken is super chill but he knows what he is talkin bout!! He always tells the stupidest jokes but I always think they are hilarious and am usually the only one laughing haha. I'm glad my mission President is chill.
All the snow sounds crazy!! What do the animals think about it all? It made me remember a few of the times that it snowed hard when I was still there. But there was nothing that Kandy couldn't handle! She always got me where I needed to go! Even to St. George, but that trip nearly killed er.
Well, we are writing this letter late again because we got back late from the Centro! But here is my short letter. Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm safe and enjoyin this area and this time here in the mish! Hope everything esta bien back home!! I'm sure everything is good! Let me know if anything exciting happens this week. Love you guys, thanks for all the support!! Gotta Run! Peace!
Elder Chambers
Investigator from Haiti
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Hey family,
How is everyone this week? I hope that everyone had a good week. It is really hard to focus right now, the guy in the internet place is really ticking me off haha. First I wrote President a nice long letter about how our week went then the power went out right before I sent it so I had to retype it all. Then his USB ports don't work worth a darn, so ya I recorded something for you guys but it isn't working here, we aren't gonna ever come back here again.
But ya this week we had a really good week. We ended up teaching a lot of lessons and we had a stake conference. Even though the Stake Center is a little far away we ended up having a few investigators there. We had 8 investigators there, we had the family of 5 and 3 others, one of the others is going to be baptized this Sunday, so we are pretty excited to be baptizing again.
Other stuff that happened this week, well not to much. We worked hard and we ended up having good numbers. We ended up eating off the street one night, we ate a bunch of tacos and the guy had a soccer game playing, I got to see a sweet goal. haha.
That is funny that Lacey got hit in the eye snowboarding, she can go as much as she wants but she will never be as good as me. hahahahaha!!!! The video of Whit and Justin Beiber was pretty funny. I'm sure that she wishes that it was real haha.
But ya the time is going by fast here in Mexico, I don't know how it is going back in Cache Valley but today is my 7 month mark, for the most part it has all went pretty fast. Today we went to a Zone Activity, we played soccer and basketball in the Church next to the Temple, it was pretty fun. Then after we went and ate at Burger King!! It is expensive but oh it was worth it haha I had a whopper and a hamburger with fries and a drink. Even burger king is a little bit different here in Mexico. Next to the ketchup for your fries is a huge thing of hot sauce too, I actually like the salsa here in Mexico a lot now! It is tasty.
Ya to send a card to Elder Garcia just send it to me, haha he hardly knows how to work a computer so it will all be easier just to send it to me. And I think that the packages will get to me in about a month, maybe in two weeks, but if they don't get to Mexico in two weeks I will have to wait until close to the end of March. Haha I hope the chex mix stuff is still good!!
Well because of the Zone Activity we don't have too much time to write here. but I just wanted to let all of you know that I am doing good and we are having a little success here in Azteca. I recorded two messages on the voice recorder but it looks like you will have to wait until next week to get them. One is in English and one is in Spanish, we'll see if Lacey can understand all of it.
Grandma told me that The Toombs are going to Colorado in their mission, that is pretty cool. My companion in the MTC Elder Anderson was from Laramy Wyoming I'm pretty sure that Denver North is his home mission.
Sounds like a few people are passing away there in Benson. But the good thing is that through the Gospel we have the wonderful peace and comfort, that comes from knowing what is going to happen after this life. How great it is to have this knowledge!! Lots of people in the world don't have it we are truly blessed.
Well that is all for this week, sorry so short!! But I gotta run. I will try to send a better email next week, this week we are pressed for time. Hope you guys have a great week in school and at work!! Love ya!!!
Elder Beanz
How is everyone this week? I hope that everyone had a good week. It is really hard to focus right now, the guy in the internet place is really ticking me off haha. First I wrote President a nice long letter about how our week went then the power went out right before I sent it so I had to retype it all. Then his USB ports don't work worth a darn, so ya I recorded something for you guys but it isn't working here, we aren't gonna ever come back here again.
But ya this week we had a really good week. We ended up teaching a lot of lessons and we had a stake conference. Even though the Stake Center is a little far away we ended up having a few investigators there. We had 8 investigators there, we had the family of 5 and 3 others, one of the others is going to be baptized this Sunday, so we are pretty excited to be baptizing again.
Other stuff that happened this week, well not to much. We worked hard and we ended up having good numbers. We ended up eating off the street one night, we ate a bunch of tacos and the guy had a soccer game playing, I got to see a sweet goal. haha.
That is funny that Lacey got hit in the eye snowboarding, she can go as much as she wants but she will never be as good as me. hahahahaha!!!! The video of Whit and Justin Beiber was pretty funny. I'm sure that she wishes that it was real haha.
But ya the time is going by fast here in Mexico, I don't know how it is going back in Cache Valley but today is my 7 month mark, for the most part it has all went pretty fast. Today we went to a Zone Activity, we played soccer and basketball in the Church next to the Temple, it was pretty fun. Then after we went and ate at Burger King!! It is expensive but oh it was worth it haha I had a whopper and a hamburger with fries and a drink. Even burger king is a little bit different here in Mexico. Next to the ketchup for your fries is a huge thing of hot sauce too, I actually like the salsa here in Mexico a lot now! It is tasty.
Ya to send a card to Elder Garcia just send it to me, haha he hardly knows how to work a computer so it will all be easier just to send it to me. And I think that the packages will get to me in about a month, maybe in two weeks, but if they don't get to Mexico in two weeks I will have to wait until close to the end of March. Haha I hope the chex mix stuff is still good!!
Well because of the Zone Activity we don't have too much time to write here. but I just wanted to let all of you know that I am doing good and we are having a little success here in Azteca. I recorded two messages on the voice recorder but it looks like you will have to wait until next week to get them. One is in English and one is in Spanish, we'll see if Lacey can understand all of it.
Grandma told me that The Toombs are going to Colorado in their mission, that is pretty cool. My companion in the MTC Elder Anderson was from Laramy Wyoming I'm pretty sure that Denver North is his home mission.
Sounds like a few people are passing away there in Benson. But the good thing is that through the Gospel we have the wonderful peace and comfort, that comes from knowing what is going to happen after this life. How great it is to have this knowledge!! Lots of people in the world don't have it we are truly blessed.
Well that is all for this week, sorry so short!! But I gotta run. I will try to send a better email next week, this week we are pressed for time. Hope you guys have a great week in school and at work!! Love ya!!!
Elder Beanz
Monday, February 14, 2011
Hola Familia,
Hey guys!! Sounds like things in Benson are going excellent!! Things here in Azteca are going good too, this week we baptized two young uns. One is named Ricardo, he is the son of a recent convert he is 13 years old. His Mom was baptized in November, and he has always told the missionaries no for baptism. But we had a few lessons with him and he changed his mind. His Dad is really Catholic so he didn't know what he needed to do, go with his Dad or go with his Mom but we got him dunked haha. The other kid is 8 years old but nobody in his family has the Priesthood so they asked me to baptized him. So we had these two baptisms this week. And well I forgot my camera on Sunday so I don't have pics, some members are supposed to be sending me the pictures, I will send them when I get them.
This week we also found a family, the family Solis. It is a family of 5 and they are really humble. We invited them to Church on Friday, and on Sunday all of the went. Their youngest son is 8 so all of them are potential baptisms!! We are hoping to continue with them, hopefully they can return to the Church this week too. We have also found another family but the Dad doesn't want to hear anything about the Church. But his wife read a chapter in the BoM and loved it, she told us she would love to be baptized but she needs a little time to make sure it is the right thing to do.
I laughed my head off at the video that you sent me of Lacey in my truck and Dad and Whit in the backyard! Lacey sounds like a total gringa!! Lose the accent fool!!! Hahaha But hey!! Who gave you permission to be drivin my truck!! Haha, no its all right it was good to see that Kandy is still running strong!! 0-60 in only 15 seconds!!! Haha then the video of Dad talking to Duke!! HAHAHAH oh man you guys gotta u tube that vid! Haha The cows are all looking good too!! They are alot bigger than the last time I saw them! Even Jr. is growing good. I think the hay has really helped them start growing faster. No thanks for the vids I think this week I will record something on my voice recorder and send it to you guys. I ended up not being able to open the valentines videos, the computer here won't open them.
Well we got all changed today in our new house. It is a little bit smaller than the last one but I'm really happy with it. It is really clean and the people that we live by are all really nice. It was really nice to get that off my mind!! This week we will be able to focus completley in the work!! Elder Garcia got good news today, I guess some sister missionaries there in his home ward visited his family, and all of his family are progressing towards baptism!! He has tears of joy right now, hopefully they will all progress and be baptized soon.
I seen in a newspaper here that Jerry Sloan is going to call it quits!!! What the heck!? He can't retire!! Without him the Jazz aren't the Jazz! By the way how are they doing this year?? Make sure that Dad lets me know what happens later on in the year with Dallas in the Draft, I need to know who they get.
Hey I dunno if you are going to send me another package for my birthday. If not its fine but if so can you throw in that chex mix stuff!? It's delicious. I think that when I come home from my mission I'm gonna be a little bit fatter!! Everyday we get stuffed with food! Yesterday we ate Al Hambre, directly translated it means to the hunger. It is a bunch of meats all cooked together then smothered in cheese!! It was so good but when we finished I felt so fat!!! I gotta eat less!
Well thanks for all the pics and all the vids it was good to see how things are back at home!! I really miss our yard! Everything here is concrete concrete and more concrete. Well gotta run I don't have much time today because we used all of our P-day moving the house. Let me know if anything exciting happens there in Benson or Cache Valley this week!! Love you all!!
Elder Frijolez
P.S. Para decir We love you, ne Te Amamos! !Jaja pero igualmente, les amo, que tengan un buen dia y disfruten esta semana que viene¡
Hey guys!! Sounds like things in Benson are going excellent!! Things here in Azteca are going good too, this week we baptized two young uns. One is named Ricardo, he is the son of a recent convert he is 13 years old. His Mom was baptized in November, and he has always told the missionaries no for baptism. But we had a few lessons with him and he changed his mind. His Dad is really Catholic so he didn't know what he needed to do, go with his Dad or go with his Mom but we got him dunked haha. The other kid is 8 years old but nobody in his family has the Priesthood so they asked me to baptized him. So we had these two baptisms this week. And well I forgot my camera on Sunday so I don't have pics, some members are supposed to be sending me the pictures, I will send them when I get them.
This week we also found a family, the family Solis. It is a family of 5 and they are really humble. We invited them to Church on Friday, and on Sunday all of the went. Their youngest son is 8 so all of them are potential baptisms!! We are hoping to continue with them, hopefully they can return to the Church this week too. We have also found another family but the Dad doesn't want to hear anything about the Church. But his wife read a chapter in the BoM and loved it, she told us she would love to be baptized but she needs a little time to make sure it is the right thing to do.
I laughed my head off at the video that you sent me of Lacey in my truck and Dad and Whit in the backyard! Lacey sounds like a total gringa!! Lose the accent fool!!! Hahaha But hey!! Who gave you permission to be drivin my truck!! Haha, no its all right it was good to see that Kandy is still running strong!! 0-60 in only 15 seconds!!! Haha then the video of Dad talking to Duke!! HAHAHAH oh man you guys gotta u tube that vid! Haha The cows are all looking good too!! They are alot bigger than the last time I saw them! Even Jr. is growing good. I think the hay has really helped them start growing faster. No thanks for the vids I think this week I will record something on my voice recorder and send it to you guys. I ended up not being able to open the valentines videos, the computer here won't open them.
Well we got all changed today in our new house. It is a little bit smaller than the last one but I'm really happy with it. It is really clean and the people that we live by are all really nice. It was really nice to get that off my mind!! This week we will be able to focus completley in the work!! Elder Garcia got good news today, I guess some sister missionaries there in his home ward visited his family, and all of his family are progressing towards baptism!! He has tears of joy right now, hopefully they will all progress and be baptized soon.
I seen in a newspaper here that Jerry Sloan is going to call it quits!!! What the heck!? He can't retire!! Without him the Jazz aren't the Jazz! By the way how are they doing this year?? Make sure that Dad lets me know what happens later on in the year with Dallas in the Draft, I need to know who they get.
Hey I dunno if you are going to send me another package for my birthday. If not its fine but if so can you throw in that chex mix stuff!? It's delicious. I think that when I come home from my mission I'm gonna be a little bit fatter!! Everyday we get stuffed with food! Yesterday we ate Al Hambre, directly translated it means to the hunger. It is a bunch of meats all cooked together then smothered in cheese!! It was so good but when we finished I felt so fat!!! I gotta eat less!
Well thanks for all the pics and all the vids it was good to see how things are back at home!! I really miss our yard! Everything here is concrete concrete and more concrete. Well gotta run I don't have much time today because we used all of our P-day moving the house. Let me know if anything exciting happens there in Benson or Cache Valley this week!! Love you all!!
Elder Frijolez
P.S. Para decir We love you, ne Te Amamos! !Jaja pero igualmente, les amo, que tengan un buen dia y disfruten esta semana que viene¡
Monday, February 7, 2011
Hola Familia,
Hey everybody how are things going this week? Everything sounds nice and normal. For the most part things here also are normal and going good. Now we know most of our area and a lot more members too. The members here are awesome all of them are super nice, yesterday some members gave me a mulcajete. Its a thing here in Mexico to make salsa. They are like 15 bucks or so.
Well now I only have one more Superbowl to miss haha, it was hard not watching it. The people here also watch the Super bowl, in almost every corner in the taco stands and in every window we could see the game being played. So ya I got to see bits and pieces here and there haha. I seen one of the Packers interceptions and one of the Steelers Touchdowns haha. Sounds like the game was pretty close.
Well the Avenida Oceania is close to our house, the Church is there in that street. We live in the colony Revolucion and we live in the street 6 de Marzo. But we have to change our house because the owner wants it. So this week we have been looking for a new place to live but it has to be below 2000 pesos. We haven't found anything really below 2000, we found two but they were super crappy. I think our landlord wants us out by this week but we haven't found anywhere to go haha.
Saturday we went and ate with some members, we had enchiladas verdes. They were really spicy but super good, my face got all red and I started sweatin because they were so spicy haha. Then the next day we had enchiladas again!!! But these ones weren't very spicy, but they were really good too. This week we also tried a taco stand in the street we ate tacos de Suadero. But my comp is telling me that these tacos are made with dog meat. He told me that they should be named tacos de su perro.
Haha but they were really good anyways haha.
Ya my comp doesn't receive too many emails. His mom is sick and can't do anything, she has something I don't know what but it has really weakened her and she doesn't really know what is going on. His dad doesn't like the idea at all of a mission so he doesn't write him either. His sister writes him every once in a while, but that is about it. I'm sure that it is hard for him having hardly any support. His birthday is on March 3rd.
Haha the American missionary that was here before me in this area didn't know Spanish very good at all, so now all the members comment on my Spanish haha because it is a lot better that him hahahaa. It is pretty funny, they all say how terrible his Spanish was haha.
Well how is everything going back at home? The calves are doing good still and growing big?? I hope so. Hopefully Jr. is starting to grow too. How is Odis? I hope he hasn't gotten more blind than when I left haha. You guys need to send me a pic of the shed upstairs with the new floor, and of the cows otra vez.
Well that is all for this week, hope you guys have.... the time of yo liiiiiife! Haha Everyone plays that song down here from the Black eyed peas, I'm guessin it is their latest one. But ya gotta run, Have a good week, and share the Gospel with someone!!! Love ya!
Elder Frijolez
Hey everybody how are things going this week? Everything sounds nice and normal. For the most part things here also are normal and going good. Now we know most of our area and a lot more members too. The members here are awesome all of them are super nice, yesterday some members gave me a mulcajete. Its a thing here in Mexico to make salsa. They are like 15 bucks or so.
Well now I only have one more Superbowl to miss haha, it was hard not watching it. The people here also watch the Super bowl, in almost every corner in the taco stands and in every window we could see the game being played. So ya I got to see bits and pieces here and there haha. I seen one of the Packers interceptions and one of the Steelers Touchdowns haha. Sounds like the game was pretty close.
Well the Avenida Oceania is close to our house, the Church is there in that street. We live in the colony Revolucion and we live in the street 6 de Marzo. But we have to change our house because the owner wants it. So this week we have been looking for a new place to live but it has to be below 2000 pesos. We haven't found anything really below 2000, we found two but they were super crappy. I think our landlord wants us out by this week but we haven't found anywhere to go haha.
Saturday we went and ate with some members, we had enchiladas verdes. They were really spicy but super good, my face got all red and I started sweatin because they were so spicy haha. Then the next day we had enchiladas again!!! But these ones weren't very spicy, but they were really good too. This week we also tried a taco stand in the street we ate tacos de Suadero. But my comp is telling me that these tacos are made with dog meat. He told me that they should be named tacos de su perro.
Haha but they were really good anyways haha.
Ya my comp doesn't receive too many emails. His mom is sick and can't do anything, she has something I don't know what but it has really weakened her and she doesn't really know what is going on. His dad doesn't like the idea at all of a mission so he doesn't write him either. His sister writes him every once in a while, but that is about it. I'm sure that it is hard for him having hardly any support. His birthday is on March 3rd.
Haha the American missionary that was here before me in this area didn't know Spanish very good at all, so now all the members comment on my Spanish haha because it is a lot better that him hahahaa. It is pretty funny, they all say how terrible his Spanish was haha.
Well how is everything going back at home? The calves are doing good still and growing big?? I hope so. Hopefully Jr. is starting to grow too. How is Odis? I hope he hasn't gotten more blind than when I left haha. You guys need to send me a pic of the shed upstairs with the new floor, and of the cows otra vez.
Well that is all for this week, hope you guys have.... the time of yo liiiiiife! Haha Everyone plays that song down here from the Black eyed peas, I'm guessin it is their latest one. But ya gotta run, Have a good week, and share the Gospel with someone!!! Love ya!
Elder Frijolez
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